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《最终幻想7 重制版》克劳德女装手办公开

"Final Fantasy 7 remaking" Claude women's clothing handmade public

2022-07-21 14:02:58来源: 游戏时光

SQUARE ENIX 将推出《最终幻想7 重制版》克劳德女装造型的手办,有 PLAY ARTS 改的可动版本和 STATIC ARTS 的静态版本。目前两款手办已放出官图并接受预售,售价均为 19580 日元。其中 PA 改版本提供了一组替换表情和三组替换手,2023 年 3 月 31 日发售【传送门】;SA 版则会在 2023 年 2 月 25 日发售【传送门】。PLAY ARTS 改STATIC ARTS

Square Enix will launch a manual version of Claude's women's dress style in Final Fantasy 7 remaking, including a movable version of play arts and a static version of static arts. At present, two handmade models have been released and accepted for pre-sale, with the price of 19580 yen. Among them, the modified version of PA provides a set of replacement expressions and three sets of replacement hands, which will be sold on March 31, 2023 [portal]; SA version will be available on February 25th, 2023 [portal]. Change play arts to static Arts

标签: 最终幻想