新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2022上半年中国游戏产业报告发布,手游市场首次负增长


In the first half of 2022, China's game industry report was released, and the mobile game market experienced negative growth for the first time

2022-07-21 15:52:14来源: 游戏时光

中国音数协游戏工委发布了《2022年上半年中国游戏产业报告》,该报告由中国音数协游戏工委(GPC)和中国游戏产业研究院牵头,伽马数据和北京中娱智库咨询有限公司负责合作调研。中国市场整体概况 受疫情等因素影响,中国游戏市场发展受阻,销售收入和用户规模同比均有小幅下降。移动游戏实际销售收入有所减少,但客户端游戏实际销售收入仍保持了增长。 2022 年 1-6 月,中国游戏市场实际销售收入为 1477.89 亿元,同比减少 1.8%。 用户规模约 6.66 亿人,同比下降 0.1

& nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The game Working Committee of the China audio and digital Association released the report on China's game industry in the first half of 2022. The report was led by the game Working Committee of the China audio and digital Association (GPC) and the China Game Industry Research Institute, and Gamma data and Beijing China Entertainment think tank Consulting Co., Ltd. were responsible for cooperative research. Overall overview of the Chinese market & nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Affected by the epidemic and other factors, the development of China's game market has been hindered, and the sales revenue and user scale have decreased slightly year-on-year. The actual sales revenue of mobile games decreased, but the actual sales revenue of client games still maintained growth& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; From January to June 2022, the actual sales revenue of China's game market was 147.789 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.8%& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The number of users was about 666 million, a year-on-year decrease of 0.1

标签: 游戏 手游