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《最终幻想7 The First Soldier》首届北美锦标赛开幕,奖金一…

"Final Fantasy 7 the first soldier" opened the first North American Championship, with a bonus of one

2022-07-23 10:31:08来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 刚刚公布了旗下免费吃鸡手游《最终幻想7 The First Soldier》的首届北美锦标赛。从即日起到太平洋夏令时 8 月 4 日的 23:59,所有玩家都能报名竞逐资格赛的入场资格,最终有机会赢取来自 1 万美元奖池里的奖金。根据赛制,每支队伍由三名玩家组成,前 50 的队伍将能参加资格赛,在 8 月 21 日参加预赛。而决赛将在 8 月 27 和 28 日举行,并在 Twitch 上进行直播。赛事奖励具体如下:第一名 - 6000 美元(每位玩家 2000 美元)第二名 - 3000 美元(每位玩家 1000 美元)第三名 - 900 美元(每位玩家 300 美元)MVP - 100 美元《最终幻想7 The First Soldier》在去年二月公布,并在去年 11 月开服。游戏

Square Enix has just announced the first North American Championship of its free chicken eating mobile game "Final Fantasy 7 the first soldier". From now on until 23:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on August 4, all players can sign up for the qualification competition and finally have the chance to win a prize from the $10000 prize pool. According to the competition system, each team is composed of three players. The top 50 teams will be able to participate in the qualification competition and participate in the preliminary competition on August 21. The finals will be held on August 27 and 28 and will be broadcast live on twitter. The awards of the competition are as follows: the first prize - US $6000 (US $2000 per player), the second prize - US $3000 (US $1000 per player), the third prize - US $900 (US $300 per player) MVP - US $100 "Final Fantasy 7 the first soldier" was announced in February last year and launched in November last year. game

标签: 最终幻想