新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《真人快打》电影版导演将继续执导续作


The director of the movie version of "live action" will continue to direct the sequel

2022-07-21 17:02:36来源: 游戏时光

随着《真人快打》电影的票房超额完成任务,后续剧集也被提上日程。根据外媒 Deadline 得到的消息,导演西蒙·麦奎德(Simon McQuoid)将再次执导《真人快打》电影续作。《真人快打》电影版是西蒙·麦奎德的导演处女作,该片于 2021 年疫情期间上映,同时登陆华纳的流媒体平台 HBO Max 。影片一经上映便拿下了票房榜第一名,登录 HBO Max 并没有对结果造成影响,这出乎了很多人的意料。于是高管们很快便瞄准了后续剧集的拍摄,并再次找到导演西蒙·麦奎德。《真人快打》西蒙曾经作为设计师和广告导演,为 PlayStation 3 主机、《使命召唤 二战》《光环 3》做过商业短片,并取得了诸多奖项。除了执导《真人快打》外,他还有多个项目正在进行中,其中就包括索尼的科幻惊悚片《Omega》。 西蒙·麦奎德

As the box office of the movie "live action" exceeded its target, subsequent episodes were also put on the agenda. According to the news received by foreign media deadline, director Simon mcquoid will direct the sequel of "live action" again. The movie version of "live action" is Simon McQuaid's directorial debut. It was released during the epidemic in 2021 and landed on Warner's streaming media platform HBO max at the same time. Once the film was released, it won the first place in the box office. Logging in to HBO Max did not affect the results, which surprised many people. So the executives quickly targeted the filming of the follow-up series and found the director Simon McQuaid again. As a designer and advertising director, Simon has made commercial short films for Playstation 3 host, call of Duty World War II and Halo 3, and has won many awards. In addition to directing live action, he has several projects under way, including Sony's sci-fi thriller Omega.

标签: 电影