新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗黑破坏神 不朽》通行证BUG令玩家损失数百万经验

《暗黑破坏神 不朽》通行证BUG令玩家损失数百万经验

Diablo immortal pass bug cost players millions of experience

2022-07-27 11:49:44来源: 游戏时光

在前段时间,《暗黑破坏神 不朽》游戏中出了个 BUG:玩家们无法从战斗通行证任务中获得经验值奖励。暴雪社区负责人在 Reddit 帖子中也承认了这个 BUG,并表示会使用一个在线修正来解决这个问题,团队正在计算每个玩家因为此 BUG 失去的经验值,他们有这些数据,在确认过后会把经验值补偿给玩家。 但是当在线修正发布后,玩家反馈仍然会遇到此问题。 Reddit 用户 The-Crawling-Chaos 在 7 月 25 日写道:“一位社区经理发布帖子称战斗通行证的经验值 BUG 已被热修复,但是我刚刚在每周重置后提升了战斗通行证的等级,依然没有获得任何经验值奖励。这是我到目前为止遇

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Some time ago, there was a bug in Diablo immortality: players cannot get experience rewards from the battle pass mission. The head of Blizzard community also admitted this bug in reddit post and said that he would use an online correction to solve this problem. The team is calculating the experience value lost by each player due to this bug. They have these data and will compensate the experience value to the players after confirmation& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; However, when the online correction is released, the player feedback will still encounter this problem& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Reddit user the crawling chaos wrote on July 25, "a community manager posted a post saying that the experience value bug of the battle pass has been hot repaired, but I just upgraded the level of the battle pass after weekly reset, and I still haven't received any experience value reward. This is my experience so far."

标签: 玩家