新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前Edios蒙特利尔总经理批评SE的管理方式


Former general manager of edios Montreal criticized SE's management style

2022-07-28 13:10:21来源: 游戏时光

Edios 蒙特利尔的前负责人兼总经理 Stephane D'Astous 在接受外媒采访时提到,Edios 被 Square Enix 出售是可以预料到的,他觉得 Square Enix 收购 Eidos 后,工作感受就像“一辆慢速的破火车”。Stephane D'AstousD'Astous 觉得原来的 Eidos 对游戏销量的预估能力很差,而且营销的方法太过传统。他本希望被 Square Enix 收购以后,游戏的销售成绩会变得更好。但遗憾的是,Square Enix 方面总是“缺乏勇气和沟通能力”,这影响了他本人的工作的积极性,遂于 2013 年离职。同时 D'Astous 认为 Square Enix 对西方工作室的表现缺乏信心。他透露 Square Enix 在年度财报中经常会贬低西方工作室,对他们

Stephane d'astous, former head and general manager of edios Montreal, said in an interview with foreign media that it was predictable that edios would be sold by square Enix. He felt that after square Enix acquired eidos, his work experience was like "a slow broken train". Stephane d'astousd'astous thinks that the original Eidos' ability to predict game sales is very poor, and the marketing method is too traditional. He had hoped that after being acquired by square Enix, the sales performance of the game would become better. Unfortunately, square Enix always "lacked courage and communication skills", which affected his enthusiasm for work, so he left in 2013. At the same time, d'astous believes that square Enix lacks confidence in the performance of Western studios. He revealed that square Enix often belittles Western studios in its annual financial statements, and has a negative impact on them

标签: iOS