新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《黎之轨迹2》繁体中文版将于10月27日发售


The traditional Chinese version of "Li's track 2" will be available on October 27

2022-07-28 13:12:53来源: 游戏时光

Falcom 旗下 JRPG 新作《英雄传说:黎之轨迹2 绯红罪孽》日文版 9 月 29 日登陆 PS5/PS4 平台,发行商云豹娱乐现正式确认本作繁体中文版发售日为 10 月 27 日,预告视频一并公布。 视频地址云豹还确认将于 10 月 27 日同日推出《英雄传说:黎之轨迹2 绯红罪孽》中文限定版,包含迷你原声集、特制台历、大型超细纤维材质卡尔瓦德共和国全图、迷宫“童话庭园”的《空之轨迹》替换背景音乐套组,同时 PS 商店也会推出包含各种 DLC 的数字豪华版。在 11 月 9 日前购买中文实体版或数子版的朋友都可获得“范恩专用咪西服”、“空洞核心语音【监视目标R.A.】”两个首发特典 DLC。

The Japanese version of the new jrpg under falcom, "Legends of Heroes: Li Zhi trajectories 2 crimson sins", landed on the ps5/ps4 platform on September 29. The publisher cloudleopard entertainment now officially confirms that the release date of the traditional Chinese version of this work is October 27, and the preview video will be announced together. The video address cloudleopard also confirmed that it would launch the Chinese limited edition of "Legends of Heroes: Li's track 2 crimson sin" on October 27, including the mini soundtrack, a special desk calendar, a full picture of the Republic of karwad made of large microfiber, and the replacement background music set of "track of the sky" of the labyrinth "fairy tale garden". At the same time, PS stores will also launch digital luxury versions containing various DLCs. Friends who buy Chinese physical edition or several sub editions before November 9 can get two first-time special DLCs, namely, "fan en's special microphone suit" and "empty core voice [monitoring target R.A.]".