新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》官方攻略书8月31日发售

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》官方攻略书8月31日发售

The official strategy book of the rise of the Monster Hunter: Dawn was sold on August 31

2022-07-29 10:16:33来源: 游戏时光

角川宣布将于8月31日星期三出版《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》官方攻略书。本书将包含《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》初版至第一次大型更新之内的游戏内容,除游戏攻略以外,还有怪物、武器、防具以及地图的数据,售价 3080 日元(含税)。攻略本主要内容如下:狩猎知识炼金术与团子技能等新追加内容的详细信息14 种武器的新技能使用心得怪物大师级任务中的怪物资料所有怪物的技能数据和对狩猎有帮助的建议武器&防具超过 1000 种的武器和防具的数据列表,包含基本性能、插槽和制作需要的素材结局后可以使用傀异素材强化的武器列表地图&任务包含新增加的地图城寨高地和密林在内,可入手的道具与环境生物的位置任务中乱入的怪物和报酬的获得概率其它盟友、武具屋、技能、道具以及各种在狩猎中所需要的数据第一次大型更新中新增的内容※本书中只包含《怪物猎人

Kagawa announced that the official strategy book "monster hunter rise: Dawn" will be published on Wednesday, August 31. This book will contain the game content from the first edition of monster hunter rise: dawn to the first major update. In addition to the game introduction, there will also be monster, weapon, armor and map data. The price is 3080 yen (including tax). The main contents of the introduction are as follows: details of new additions such as hunting knowledge alchemy and Tuanzi skills. New skills of 14 weapons use experience monster monster data in the monster master task. Skill data of all monsters and recommended weapons & armor that are helpful for hunting. A list of data of more than 1000 weapons and armor, including basic performance After slots and making the required material ending, you can use the weapon list map enhanced by different puppet materials & amp; The task includes the newly added map, Castle heights and dense forests, the location of accessible props and environmental creatures, the monsters and reward acquisition probability in the task, other allies, weapon houses, skills, props, and all kinds of data needed in hunting. The content added in the first large-scale update ※ this book only includes monster hunter

标签: 怪物猎人