新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竞放亚洲:一段时间内,亚洲电竞可预见的未来是什么


Competing for Asia: what is the foreseeable future of Asian E-sports in a period of time

2022-07-29 17:34:34来源: 触乐

近日,触乐受邀前往浙江省杭州市,参加腾讯电竞、亚洲电子体育联合会、浙数文化共同主办的“竞放亚洲”系列会议。本次会议活动在杭州国际博览中心举行,分两部分:上午为2022全球电竞运动领袖峰会,主要聚焦定于亚运契机下的电竞产业发展;下午是腾讯电竞年度发布会,更专注于腾讯电竞的年度布局规划。 2022全球电竞运动领袖峰会暨腾讯电竞年度发布会在杭州召开,20多位嘉宾出席 对所有产业来说,过去的3年略有坎坷,电竞也不例外。传统的线下赛事被迫重新转移回线上,我们经历了《刀塔2》赛事Ti10的延期举行,也经历了《英雄联盟》2022季中冠军赛的远程参赛。实际上,这次“竞放亚洲”的举行也并不容易,疫情背景下,这是电竞产业今年的第一次线下大会。在现场,你能看到人们的兴奋跟紧张,无论

Recently, touch music was invited to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province to participate in the & ldquo; Competing for Asia & rdquo; Series of meetings. The conference was held in Hangzhou International Expo Center, which is divided into two parts: in the morning, it is the 2022 global E-sports leaders' summit, which mainly focuses on the development of e-sports industry under the opportunity of the Asian Games; This afternoon is the annual press conference of Tencent e-sports, which focuses more on the annual layout planning of Tencent E-sports.

标签: 电竞