新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《恐怖美术馆》Steam重制版现已更新中文


The steam reprint of the Museum of horror has been updated in Chinese

2022-07-30 09:56:08来源: 游戏时光

PLAYISM 宣布,此前已经登陆 Steam 的日本同人恐怖 RPG《恐怖美术馆》现已更新中文版,游戏售价 43 元。视频地址本作的初版由日本同人游戏开发者 kouri 使用 RPG 游戏制作工具 RPG Maker 2000 开发,于 2012 年发布,被国内的粉丝们誉为四大日本同人恐怖 RPG 之一。Steam 版游戏是为了庆祝原作发布十周年而制作的重制版本,所有的美术资源都经过重新绘制,并改善游戏中的部分系统来提升游戏体验。

Playism announced that the RPG "horror art museum" of Japanese homophobia, which had previously landed in steam, has now updated its Chinese version, and the game costs 43 yuan. The first version of the video address book was developed by Kouri, a Japanese gameplay developer, using RPG maker 2000, which was released in 2012. It was praised as one of the four Japanese gameplay horror RPGs by domestic fans. Steam game is a remake version made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original release. All art resources have been redrawn, and some systems in the game have been improved to improve the game experience.

标签: Steam