新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox系统内测版本更新,更容易识别出游戏状态


Xbox system beta version updates, making it easier to identify game status

2022-07-26 18:04:00来源: 游戏时光

Xbox Insider 内测成员们已经可以更新 Xbox 系统的版本更新。这次更新除了之前预告过的 Discord 语音聊天功能内嵌和 bug 修复外,这次更新还添加了一些小标识,能让玩家更容易识别已安装游戏的状态,比如有无插入光盘、是否拥有游玩权限等。 以下图为例,《生化危机 3》和《生化危机 抵抗》是当前未插入光盘的光盘安装游戏,因此无法游玩;旁边的 Rain On Your Parade 已经离开 XGP 游戏库也无法游玩;而《极限巅峰》则是属于机器上另一名用户的游戏,他没有登录,也并未将本机设置为常用主机,因此该游戏目前也无法游玩。 另外需要注意的是,

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Xbox insider beta members can update & nbsp; Xbox system version update. This update is in addition to the & nbsp; Besides the embedded voice chat function and bug repair, this update also adds some small logos, which can make it easier for players to identify the status of installed games, such as whether they have inserted a CD, whether they have access to play, etc& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Taking the following figure as an example, "biochemical crisis 3" and "biochemical crisis resistance" are CD-ROM installation games that have not been inserted into the CD at present, so they cannot be played; Next to rain on your parade has left the XGP game library and cannot play; And "extreme peak" is a game belonging to another user on the machine. He didn't log in and didn't set the machine as a common host, so the game can't be played at present& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In addition, it should be noted that,

标签: 游戏 Xbox