新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam销量周榜:《数码宝贝 绝境求生》第三

Steam销量周榜:《数码宝贝 绝境求生》第三

Steam sales weekly list: No. 3 in digital baby desperate survival

2022-08-01 08:11:39来源: 游戏时光

新一周(7.25~7.31)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,Valve 旗下掌机 Steam Deck 本周依旧占据着榜首的位置,实现销量九连冠。赛博背景的猫咪冒险游戏《迷失》发售后第二周仍十分有人气,继续占据销量榜第二位。万代南梦宫旗下“数码宝贝”系列 SRPG+AVG 新作《数码宝贝 绝境求生》已于 7 月 28 日发售,冲上了销量榜第三位。 本周 Steam 销量排名Steam Deck《迷失》《数码宝贝 绝境求生》《无人深空》《漫威蜘蛛侠 重制版》Valve Index VR 套件《艾尔登法环》《荒野大镖客 救赎2》《木筏》《侠盗猎车手5》

The steam sales list of the new week (7.25 ~ 7.31) was released. Valve's handheld steam deck still occupied the top position this week, achieving nine consecutive sales titles. The cat adventure game "lost" with cyberspace background was still very popular in the second week after its launch, and continued to occupy the second place in the sales list. The new srpg+avg work "digital baby desperate survival" of the "digital baby" series of Wandai Nanmeng palace was released on July 28, and rushed to the third place in the sales list. This week's steam sales ranked steam deck "lost", "digital baby desperate survival", "no one deep space", "Marvel spider man remaking" valve index VR kit "Eldon law ring", "wild escort redemption 2", "Raft" and "Grand Theft Auto 5"

标签: Steam