新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我们眼中的《我的世界》开发者大会


My world developer conference in our eyes

2021-11-14 15:00:00来源: 触乐

触乐编辑部里有这样一个现象:一个编辑老师玩某个游戏,但他(她)从来不说;另一个编辑老师也玩这个游戏,但他(她)也从来不说。每个人都觉得,只要自己不说,其他人就不知道自己玩这个游戏。然而实际上,每个人都知道别人玩这个游戏,同时也知道别人知道自己玩这个游戏,但又不约而同地装作自己不知道别人知道自己玩这个游戏……再说下去有套娃之嫌,总之就是这么个意思。 请不要误会,各位编辑之所以会难以启齿,倒不是因为玩了什么垃圾游戏。恰好相反,那些平时鲜少被提起的游戏,往往是玩家基础广、知名度高、商业化成功的游戏,而编辑们不愿谈及它们的理由也很简单——要么是游戏本身存在感够强,毋需强调;要么是各自关心的细节过于分散,又都有了固定的好友圈子,不必空谈;甚至于,在“游戏编辑

There is such a phenomenon in touch music editorial department: an editorial teacher plays a game, but he (she) never says; Another editing teacher also plays this game, but he (she) never says. Everyone feels that as long as they don't talk, others won't know that they are playing this game. However, in fact, everyone knows that others play the game, and also knows that others know that they play the game, but at the same time pretend that they do not know that others know that they play the game & hellip;& amp; hellip; Besides, there is a suspicion of dolls. In short, that's what it means.

标签: 我的世界