新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《山海旅人》更新计划:DLC与Switch版均在开发中


Update plan of "mountain and sea traveler": both DLC and switch versions are under development

2021-11-05 19:44:51来源: 游戏时光

由云山小雨工作室开发,Gamera Game 发行的国风解谜冒险游戏《山海旅人》已于 2021 年 9 月 10 日登陆 Steam 平台,现处于“好评如潮”状态。今日(11 月 5 日),官方通过微博透露了游戏的后续更新计划。本作的 DLC 目前已提上日程,整体故事框架已构思完成。DLC 将会讲述另一位“逆梦师”——本篇中主角七云父亲的故事,以此更完整地呈现《山海旅人》的世界观。DLC内容截图此外,开发团队正在进行 Switch 版游戏的移植工作。官方希望 Switch 版能让更多国内外玩家接触到这款作品,感受中国风水墨像素的魅力。

Developed by Yunshan Xiaoyu studio and released by GAMERA game, the national style puzzle solving adventure game "mountain and sea traveler" has landed on steam platform on September 10, 2021, and is now in a "wave of praise" state. Today (November 5), the official disclosed the follow-up update plan of the game through Weibo. The DLC of this work has been put on the agenda, and the overall story framework has been conceived. DLC will tell the story of another "dreamer" - the protagonist Qi Yun's father in this article, so as to more fully present the world view of the traveler in the mountains and seas. DLC content screenshot in addition, the development team is working on the migration of the switch version of the game. Officials hope that the switch version will allow more domestic and foreign players to access this work and feel the charm of Chinese style ink pixels.

标签: Switch