新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox暨《光环》系列20周年庆典直播将于11月16日举行


The live broadcast of the 20th anniversary celebration of Xbox and halo series will be held on November 16

2021-11-09 10:48:30来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 官方宣布,将于北京时间 11 月 16 日凌晨 2 点举行 Xbox 及《光环》系列诞生 20 周年庆典直播。届时,庆典直播将在 B 站 Xbox 盒子君直播间、虎牙 Xbox 官方直播间以及斗鱼 Xbox 官方直播间播出,让大家一同回顾 Xbox 20 年来的精彩时刻。值得一提的是,官方曾在今年十月透露周年庆典直播「不会公布任何新游戏」,但也许我们可以期待到时会有已公布但未发售作品的新情报公开。

Xbox officially announced that the live broadcast of the 20th anniversary celebration of Xbox and halo series will be held at 2 a.m. Beijing time on November 16. At that time, the live broadcast of the celebration will be broadcast in the Xbox box King Live Room of station B, the official Xbox Live Room of Huya Xbox and the official Xbox Live Room of douyu Xbox. Let's review the wonderful moments of Xbox in the past 20 years. It is worth mentioning that the official once revealed in October this year that "no new games will be announced" for the live broadcast of the anniversary celebration, but perhaps we can expect that there will be new information about the published but unsold works to be made public at that time.

标签: 直播 Xbox