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《地平线 西之绝境》新情报:威风凛凛的机械兽们

New information of the horizon West: the majestic mechanical beasts

2021-11-09 11:07:36来源: 游戏时光

索尼在今天发布了《地平线 西之绝境》的最新博文,介绍了一些将在本作中登场的机械兽,以及它们的设计理念。游戏首席机械设计师 Blake Politeski 表示,「西之绝境」会有更多的机械兽种类,也为此设计了更多的生态。比如新的飞行机器「日翼者」在晴天会收集太阳能,此时更容易受到攻击。当它闲下来的时候则会对潜在的捕猎者更为警觉。机械在休息、发出警告和攻击时都有特定的音效。对于游戏的战斗 ,Blake 强调玩家可以选择多种方式击败各种机械,比如有机器正在挖掘底下资源,埃洛伊此时就可以借助飞扬的尘土接近敌人。以长毛象为原型设计的「撼牙兽」将会是本作最大型,也是最难对付的敌人之一,它被设计为战斗机器,负责保护其他机器物种。《地平线 西之绝境》里埃洛伊若跟随搜索资源的机械兽,或许能够找到相应的资源。此外她依旧可以覆盖机械

Sony today released the latest blog post of horizon West, introducing some mechanical beasts that will appear in this work and their design concepts. Blake politeski, the chief mechanical designer of the game, said that there will be more kinds of mechanical animals in the "West desperate" and more ecology will be designed for this purpose. For example, the new flying machine "heliopter" will collect solar energy on sunny days, which makes it more vulnerable to attack. When it is idle, it will be more alert to potential hunters. Machines have specific sound effects when resting, warning and attacking. For the battle of the game, Blake emphasizes that players can choose various ways to defeat various machines. For example, when machines are digging underground resources, Eloy can approach the enemy with the help of flying dust. The tusk shaker, based on the mammoth, will be one of the largest and most difficult enemies of the work. It is designed as a combat machine to protect other machine species. If Eloy follows the robot beast searching for resources in horizon West, he may be able to find the corresponding resources. Besides, she can still cover machinery