新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《喋血复仇》更新路线图:单人离线模式12月上线


Update roadmap of "Revenge of killing blood": single offline mode launched in December

2021-11-09 15:11:37来源: 游戏时光

多人合作丧尸射击游戏《喋血复仇》在上个月正式发售。游戏掀起了一阵热度,但自身存在的一些问题也亟待改进。Turtle Rock 工作室在近日公开了游戏的后续更新路线图,表示会在 12 月上线「离线单人模式」,并在 2022 年追加新的难度选项。此外包含在年票内的三个扩展包也计划在 2022 年上线。免费更新:2021 年 11 月: 综合品质(QoL) 改进修复主要 BUG2021 年 12 月:新内容(新的补给线、练习区域、假期季节性活动)可离线的单人模式, 支持继承战役进度新卡牌类型全新卡牌2022 年:新的难度新的玩家卡片新的腐败卡片新的合作模式近战升级 综合品质 (QoL) 改进年票更新:2022 年:扩展1:恐怖隧道扩展2(待定)扩展3(待定)来源:推特

The multi player zombie shooting game "bloodthirsty revenge" was officially launched last month. The game has aroused a burst of enthusiasm, but some of its own problems also need to be improved. The Turtle Rock Studio recently released a roadmap for subsequent updates to the game, saying that it would launch "offline single player mode" in December and add new difficulty options in 2022. In addition, the three expansion packages included in the annual ticket are also planned to be launched in 2022. Free update: november2021: