新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极客堂被盗之后


After the extremely guest hall was stolen

2021-11-08 16:16:00来源: 触乐

如果你是一名和游戏一起长大的老玩家,或者是复古游戏爱好者,那么你多半听说过甚至亲自拜访过成都极客堂与环球电子游戏文化博览馆,也为6月发生的那起博览馆被盗案义愤填膺。在案件中,一个未成年人翻墙进入博览馆。他盗走了一些限定主机和数量稀少的珍贵游戏光盘,并且完全不知道它们的真正价值。同时受损的还有一些纪念币和限量周边产品。在经济损失之余,博览馆藏品的完整性也遭到了破坏。 在事件发生后的几个月里,极客堂先后公布了3个视频展现事件的来龙去脉以及最终令人遗憾的“大结局”。可以说,这一事件中几乎没有办法对发难者进行很好的追责,损失也很难追回,其中也暴露了一些并不新鲜问题:主机和游戏周边产品难以界定的收藏价值,缺乏凭证和保障的二手交易过程,以及保险与专业估价机构的缺失。这些问题早已有之,但在一起盗窃案中

If you are an old player who grew up with games, or a fan of retro games, most of you have heard of or even visited the Chengdu extreme guest hall and the global video game Culture Expo in person, and are indignant at the theft of the Expo in June. In the case, a minor climbed over the wall and entered the museum. He stole some limited consoles and a few precious game CDs, and he didn't know their real value at all. At the same time, some commemorative coins and limited peripheral products were also damaged. In addition to the economic losses, the integrity of the museum collection has also been damaged.