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《上古卷轴5天际 周年纪念版》升级内容概览视频公布

Video release of the upgraded content overview of the ancient scroll 5 Tianji Anniversary Edition

2021-10-30 16:01:46来源: 游戏时光

《上古卷轴5天际 周年纪念版》即将于 11 月 11 日发售,贝塞斯达现已放出了「周年版纪念版」升级内容概述视频。视频地址 「周年版纪念版」将提供大量新内容,包括新武器、盔甲、物品、敌人;数个新的剧情任务;玩家可以拥有住房、宠物,以及新增生存模式和钓鱼模式。此外,官方还宣布将在 11 月 11 日举办游戏的十周年音乐会。视频截图

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The ancient scroll 5 skyline anniversary edition will be released on November 11. Bethesda has released an overview video of the upgraded content of the anniversary edition. Video address & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The "Anniversary Edition" will provide a lot of new content, including new weapons, armor, items and enemies; Several new plot tasks; Players can own houses, pets, and new survival modes and fishing modes. In addition, the official also announced that the 10th Anniversary Concert of the game will be held on November 11. Video screenshot

标签: 视频