新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真人剧集《猎魔人》第二季正式预告公开


The official preview of the second season of the live action drama "demon hunter" is open

2021-10-30 10:03:53来源: 游戏时光

真人剧《猎魔人》第二季将于 12 月 17 日上线,Netflix 现已公开该剧集的正式预告。视频地址 根据官方的说法,《巫师》第二季的内容将比第一季更加黑暗,本剧将会对主角们进行更细致的描写,并以不同的视角展现杰洛特的“救赎之路”。视频截图

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The second season of the reality drama "demon hunter" will be launched on December 17. Netflix has now released the official preview of the show. Video address & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the official statement, the content of the second season of the wizard will be darker than that of the first season. The play will describe the protagonists in more detail and show jerot's "road to redemption" from different perspectives. Video screenshot