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漫威与Skydance宣布合作 共同开发3A级新作

Marvel and skydance announced their cooperation to jointly develop 3A new works

2021-10-30 10:10:54来源: 游戏时光

今日凌晨时分,美国制片公司 Skydance Media 发布官方声明,宣布旗下的 Skydance New Media 与漫威达成合作意向。双方将共同开发一款新游戏。据官方说法,此次的新作是一部 3A 级动作冒险游戏。该作采用漫威宇宙背景,并拥有完全原创的剧情。游戏内容将以剧情叙事为主导。Skydance New Media 于 2019 年成立,由前《神秘海域》系列创意总监 Amy Hennig 领导。为了开发新作,Skydance New Media 组建了一支经验丰富的制作团队,来自电影、电视与漫画界的创意顾问也将提供指导。来源:Skydance Media

In the early morning of this morning, the US production company skydance media issued an official statement, announcing that its skydance new media and marvel had reached an intention of cooperation. The two sides will jointly develop a new game. According to the official statement, this new work is a 3A level action adventure game. The work adopts Marvel Universe background and has a completely original plot. The game content will be dominated by plot narration. Skydance new media was founded in 2019 and led by Amy Hennig, former creative director of the mysterious sea series. In order to develop new works, skydance new media has formed an experienced production team, and creative consultants from the film, television and comic industry will also provide guidance. Source: skydance media