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《波斯王子:时之砂 重制版》仍在开发中 发售时间再次推迟

Prince of Persia: sand of time remaking is still under development, and the release time is postponed again

2021-10-29 16:48:55来源: 游戏时光

育碧现已公开 2021-22 财年上半年的公司财报。根据财报内容,《波斯王子:时之砂 重制版》将于下一财年推出。这意味着本作发售日不会早于 2022 年 4 月 1 日。《波斯王子:时之砂 重制版》于 2020 年 9 月正式公开,但一直未能发售。根据先前报道,该作最近一次的计划发售日是在本财年内,即在 2022 年 3 月底之前推出。现在看来,本作的发售时间已再次迟延。不过官方近日发布了一篇推文,确认游戏尚在开发中。你好,《波斯王子》的粉丝们!我们想花一点时间向您保证,《波斯王子:时之砂 重制版》的开发工作仍在进行中,您的反馈正在激励和感染着我们。我们将在未来向你们介绍团队的最新进展,我们也想感谢你们所有人的坚定支持与耐心。《波斯王子:时之砂 重制版》目前确认登陆 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 平台

Ubisoft has published the company's financial statements for the first half of fiscal year 2021-22. According to the financial report, "Prince of Persia: sand of time remaking" will be launched in the next fiscal year. This means that the release date of this work will not be earlier than April 1st, 2022. Prince of Persia: sand of time remaking was officially released in September 2020, but has not been available for sale. According to previous reports, the latest planned launch date of the product is within the current fiscal year, that is, before the end of March 2022. Now it seems that the release time of this work has been delayed again. However, the official recently released a tweet confirming that the game is still under development. Hello, fans of Prince of Persia! We want to take a moment to assure you that the development of Prince of Persia: sand of time remaking is still in progress, and your feedback is inspiring and infecting us. We will introduce the latest progress of the team to you in the future. We also want to thank all of you for your firm support and patience. Prince of Persia: sand of time remaking is currently confirmed to be launched on PS4 / Xbox one / PC platform