新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科幻和奇幻的融合,《星之海洋:神圣之力》2022年发售


Fusion of science fiction and fantasy, ocean of stars: divine power, released in 2022

2021-10-28 06:59:56来源: 游戏时光

在今天举办的新一期「State of Play」上,Tri-Ace 带来了「星之海洋」系列新作《星之海洋:神圣之力(Star Ocean The Divine Force)》。游戏将于 2022 年登陆 PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One 和 PC 平台。游戏宣传片:视频地址本作由 Square Enix 和 Tri-Ace 开发,游戏将结合科幻和奇幻,带来丰富的可操作角色和支线故事。官方表示游戏的战斗系统有着系列最快速、最有力的动作,将会以简单的操作,带来令人兴奋的体验。游戏的故事基于玩家的选择而改变,玩家可以自由地在目力可及的环境中飞行探索。「双英雄(double Hero)」系统回归,一位来自先进的的文明(科技),一位来自落后的星球(幻想)。故事的展开以及得到的盟友角色会

At the new issue of "state of play" held today, tri ace brought a new series of "starry Ocean: the divine force". The game will be launched on ps4/ps5/xbox series x|s / Xbox one and PC platforms in 2022. Game Promo: the video address book is developed by square Enix and tri ace. The game will combine science fiction and fantasy, bringing a wealth of operable characters and branch stories. The official said that the battle system of the game has the fastest and most powerful actions in a series, and will bring exciting experience with simple operation. The story of the game changes based on the choice of players. Players are free to fly and explore in an environment within their reach. The "double hero" system returns, one from advanced civilization (Technology) and one from backward planet (Fantasy). The unfolding of the story and the role of allies will be