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Warner Brothers' version of "chaos fight" is suspected to be leaked

2021-10-28 11:48:42来源: 游戏时光

近期有关华纳兄弟游戏正在计划开发一款类《任天堂明星大乱斗》的格斗游戏的传闻可谓源源不绝,不仅疑似游戏标题“Multiversus”被透露,且爆料称本作或将是一款免费游戏,今日推特上更是有人放出了游戏内角色选择界面的截图(原泄露图像已被删除,但网友将其保存了下来)。 泄露“Multiversus”情报的是参加过 EVO《任天堂明星大乱斗DX》赛事的电竞选手 Hungrybox,看起来他收到华纳邀请参与了游戏测试,他提到本作会是一款免费游戏,支持跨平台对战、全角色配音,随后他公布了首批参战角色列表的角色,分别有: 史蒂芬·宇宙(出自《宇宙小子》)芬恩&杰克(出自《探险时光》)蝙蝠侠&哈莉·奎茵沙奇(出自《史酷比》) 芬恩&杰克(出自《探险时光》)超人&神奇女侠甘道夫(出自《指环

Recently, rumors that Warner Bros. is planning to develop a fighting game similar to "Nintendo star fight" are endless. Not only is it suspected that the title of the game "multiverse" has been revealed, but it has also been revealed that this game may be a free game. Today, someone has released a screenshot of the role selection interface in the game on twitter (the original leaked image has been deleted, but netizens have saved it).