新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《真·女神转生5》第四弹中文宣传视频公布


The Chinese promotional video of the fourth play of "true goddess reincarnation 5" was released

2021-10-28 13:20:17来源: 游戏时光

Atlus 旗下 JRPG 新作《真·女神转生5》即将于 2021 年 11 月 11 日正式发售,负责本作亚洲地区发行的世嘉现公布了本作第四弹中文预告视频,介绍了本作的玩法要素。 视频地址

The new jrpg work "true goddess reincarnation 5" under Atlus will be officially released on November 11, 2021. Sega, which is responsible for the release of this work in Asia, has now announced the Chinese Trailer video of the fourth play of this work, introducing the elements of this play.

标签: 视频