新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《拳皇15》新角色公开,公开测试11月举办


The new role of boxer 15 is open, and the public test will be held in November

2021-10-28 07:32:44来源: 游戏时光

SNK 在今日的「State of play」活动中公开了《拳皇15》的新角色「Dolores」,并表示游戏公开测试将于 11 月 20 日 - 22 日在 PS4/PS5 平台举办。视频地址《拳皇15》公开测试包含 8 名可操作角色,分别为夏尔米、克里斯、七枷社、Dolores、瞬影、草薙京、八神庵和神乐千鹤。测试时间《拳皇15》将于 2022 年 2 月 17 日发售。

SNK unveiled the new character "Dolores" of "fighter 15" at today's "state of play" event, and said that the public test of the game will be held on ps4/ps5 platform from November 20 to 22. The public test of the video address "boxing emperor 15" includes 8 operable characters, namely, sharmi, Chris, seven flail club, Dolores, instant shadow, caoshuajing, eight gods temple and Shenle Qianhe. The test time "boxing emperor 15" will be released on February 17, 2022.