新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤 先锋》预载开放时间与容量公布

《使命召唤 先锋》预载开放时间与容量公布

"Call of duty pioneer" preloaded opening hours and capacity announcement

2021-10-28 20:59:56来源: 游戏时光

《使命召唤 先锋》即将于 11 月 5 日发售。动视现已公布《使命召唤 先锋》在主机端安装游戏所需的存储空间,以及各平台预载开启时间。 各主机平台上需要下载的数据大小以及需要预留的磁盘空间:PS5:需下载 64.13 GB,需预留 89.84 GBPS4:需下载 54.65 GB,需预留 93.12 GBXSX|S: 需下载 61 GB,需预留 61 GBXbox One:需下载 56.6 GB,需预留 56.6 GB 各平台预载开启时间:PlayStation:南、北美洲在太平洋时间 10 月 28 日 21:00 开放,其他地区在当地时间 10 月 29 日凌晨开放。Xbox:所

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Call of duty pioneer" will be released on November 5. Activision has announced the storage space required for the host side of call of duty pioneer to install the game, as well as the preload start-up time of each platform& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Size of data to be downloaded and disk space to be reserved on each host platform: ps5: 64.13 GB to be downloaded, and & nbsp; 89.84 gbps4: need to download 54.65 GB, need to reserve 93.12 gbxsx|s: need to download 61 GB, need to reserve 61 gbxbox one: need to download 56.6 GB, need to reserve 56.6 gb& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Preload opening time of each platform: Playstation: South and North America will open at 21:00 on October 28, Pacific time, and other regions will open in the early morning of October 29, local time. Xbox: by