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Sharing extraordinary journey Maserati startup owners referral programmes

2015-09-21 12:58:19来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 福州 资讯] 2015年9月16日——驾驶一辆优雅与激情并存的玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁轿车是一种怎样难以言喻的快意体验?静止时是一款典雅华丽的意大利尤物,踩下油门,它则化...

[XCAR Fuzhou information on 16 September 2015 -- driving a car elegance and passion the coexistence of the Maserati Quattroporte executive sedan is a how indescribable pleasure experience? Still is a gorgeous and elegant Italian voluptuousness, step on the gas, it is...