新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国际马戏小丑推出剧场版


International Circus Clown launched theatre version

2015-10-09 03:22:50来源: 人民网

京华时报讯(记者侯艳)昨天,记者从演出主办方华艺星空获悉今年火爆北京工人体育馆的国际马戏小丑嘉年华推出了剧场版,将于10月31日在张家口首演,随后在承德、唐山、廊坊、保定等地进行巡演。 此次国际马戏小丑嘉年华剧场版将马戏和小丑表演带入剧场,在剧场中,观众与演员距离更近,互动更直接。小...

Jinghua times (reporter Hou Yan) yesterday, reporters from the show organizers Huayi star learned hot this year Beijing Workers Stadium, the International Circus Clown Carnival launched a theater version, on October 31 in Zhangjiakou premiere, then in Chengde, Tangshan, Langfang, Baoding, tour. The International Circus Clown Carnival theatrical circus and clown performances into the theater, in the theater, audience and actors closer to interact more directly. Small