新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国美院率先发布“三位一体”招生 其他高校1月..

中国美院率先发布“三位一体”招生 其他高校1月..

China Academy of Fine Arts released the first "Trinity" Enrollment other universities in January ..

2016-01-08 07:08:34来源: 杭州网

名词解释 三位一体,是高校把学生成长性评价和一次性评价相结合的多元化招生考试评价体系,其融合了学业水平测试、综合素质评价和高考三方面评价要素为一体。2011年浙江省启动试点,2015年省教育厅统计...

Glossary Trinity, colleges and universities to evaluate student growth and one-time evaluation of the combination of diversified entrance examination and evaluation system, which combines the academic proficiency test, the overall quality of the evaluation and the evaluation of college entrance examination three elements as a whole. Zhejiang Province in 2011 started a pilot in 2015, the provincial education department statistics ...