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Talk about the news story office China

2015-12-21 09:28:51来源: 国务院新闻办公室

《犹太人在上海》剧照。 《长恨歌》剧照。 10月16日正式拉开帷幕的第十七届中国上海国际艺术节,打破惯例,由两部舞台演出共同担纲开幕演出的重任——大型原创音乐剧《犹太人在上海》与原创芭蕾舞剧《...

"Jews in Shanghai" the language in the world. "Song". October 16th officially opened the seventeenth session of the Shanghai International Arts Festival China, curtain break in the practice, responsibility by two stage show featuring a common opening performance of large-scale original musical "Jews in Shanghai" and the original ballet "...