新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惊蛰吃梨是传统养生习惯 惊蛰应当如何吃梨?

惊蛰吃梨是传统养生习惯 惊蛰应当如何吃梨?

The waking of insects to eat pear is a traditional health habits of the waking of insects should be how to eat the pear?

2015-03-06 12:49:18来源: 南方网

摘要: 传统的饮食习惯中,有惊蛰吃梨这一习俗,因为吃梨可以润肺健脾,滋阴清热,有益于身体健康。惊蛰时天气乍暖还寒,气候仍然比较干燥,很容易使人口干舌燥、咽痛音哑,加之一些细菌、病毒开始活动繁殖,容易...

Abstract: traditional eating habits, have the waking of insects eat pear this custom, because eat pears can moisten the lung and spleen, nourishing yin and clearing heat, beneficial to health. The waking of insects during cold weather, climate is still dry, very easy to cause the population dry, sore throat hoarse, and some bacteria, virus started breeding, easy...