新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中韩大战球票售罄被黄牛爆炒 80元球票炒至400元

中韩大战球票售罄被黄牛爆炒 80元球票炒至400元

Sino Korean War sellouts is stir fried in cattle 80 yuan tickets fry 400 yuan Netease

2015-09-24 11:57:05来源: 网易

网易体育袁杰9月24日长沙报道: 2015长沙男篮亚锦赛是湖南省历史上举办的规格最高、影响最大的体育赛事。因为本次比赛的结果关系到2016年里约奥运会的参赛资格,所以各路豪强都非常重视,尤其是东道...

Netease sports Yuanjie 9 month 24, Changsha reported: 2015 Changsha men's Basketball Championships is the highest specifications, the impact is the biggest sporting event in the history of Hunan Province held. Because the results of the competition to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio will qualify, so various despots very seriously, especially the host...