新关注 > 信息聚合 > 骁龙808处理器 三星GALAXY S6 Mini真机曝光

骁龙808处理器 三星GALAXY S6 Mini真机曝光

Snapdragon processor 808 Samsung Galaxy S6 Mini prototype exposure

2015-07-27 00:10:23来源: dospy智能手机网

有望在下月发布的GALAXY Note 5和GALAXY S6 Edge+是不少人关注的焦点,这主要是因为它们承载了三星对抗苹果新款旗舰机型的希望。不过三星并没有注意力全部放在高端机型的研发上,这家...

is expected to launch next month of the galaxy note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ is the focus of concern to many people, this is mainly because they are carrying the hope of Samsung against Apple's new flagship model. However, Samsung did not focus on the development of high-end models, this...

标签: 三星