新关注 > 信息聚合 > 合肥芜湖铜陵获评“全国文明城市”在望


Hefei Wuhu Tongling awarded "national civilized city" in

2015-02-01 16:09:18来源: 合肥在线

本报讯 合肥距离全国文明城市的金字招牌还有一步之遥。昨天,中央文明委对第四届全国文明城市(区)、文明村镇、文明单位候选名单进行了公示,合肥、芜湖、铜陵名列其中。 进入全国文明城市(区)候选名单的...

report from our correspondent Hefei National Civilized City distance of a gilded signboard and one step away. Yesterday, the Central Committee of civilization in the fourth national civilized city (District), civilized villages and towns, civilized unit candidate list of publicity, Hefei, Wuhu, Tongling among them. To enter the national civilized city (District) list of candidates...