新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州将停办房产证 实施不动产统一登记

杭州将停办房产证 实施不动产统一登记

Hangzhou will be closed for the property permits the implementation of real estate registration

2015-12-05 06:53:25来源: 杭州网

房产证土地证合为不动产证 旧证不用换新证 房产专家:不会直接影响楼市 利于房产税征收 制图 沈浩 昨天,“杭州发布”官方微信发布消息称,杭州将停办房产证,关于不动产统一登记工作正式展开。...

real estate license land certificate together for real estate card the old card without changing the real estate experts of the new license, will not have a direct impact on the property market for property tax levied in drawing Shenhao yesterday, "Hangzhou released" official micro channel said in a news release, Hangzhou will be closed for real estate license, on the real estate registration work started. ...