新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国务院办公厅关于批准烟台市城市总体规划的通知


Office of the State Council on the approval of the general programming of city of Yantai in Yantai City, the overall urban planning notice

2015-09-16 15:38:59来源: 中国政府网

烟台市城市总体规划的通知 国办函〔2015〕92号 山东省人民政府: 你省关于报请审批烟台市城市总体规划的请示收悉。经国务院批准,现通知如下: 一、国务院原则同意《烟台市城市总体规划(2011—2020年)》(以下简称《总体规划》)。 烟台是山东半岛的中心城市之一、环渤海...

notice state-run letter [2015] 92, the people's Government of Shandong Province: the province you be submitted for examination and approval of Yantai City, the overall urban planning on the request has been received. Upon approval of the State Council, the present notice is as follows: 1. The State Council principle agrees with the general plan of Yantai Municipality (2011 - 2020) (hereinafter referred to as the general plan). Yantai is one of the central cities of Shandong Peninsula, Bohai...