新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马晓旭时期女足人口最匮乏 媒评:郝伟坚持3年难得

马晓旭时期女足人口最匮乏 媒评:郝伟坚持3年难得

Ma Xiaoxu period women population, the lack of media comment: Haowei adhere to three years rare Sina

2015-06-22 04:59:19来源: 新浪

因为停赛,昨日的1/8决赛郝伟与朱广沪在看台观战 昨天早上,在女足世界杯1/8决赛中,中国队1:0淘汰喀麦隆杀入8强。本场比赛过后,中国女足也创造了一个纪录:中国队6次参加世界杯,最后均闯入了8...

because of suspension, yesterday's 1 / 8 finals Hao Wei and Zhu in the stands watching yesterday morning, in the women's football World Cup 1 / 8 finals, the Chinese team 1-0 eliminated Cameroon reached the top 8. After the game, the Chinese women's football has also created a record: the Chinese team to participate in the world cup 6, and finally broke into the 8...