新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锤子T2再曝:820/指纹/压力触控都木有


Hammer T2 and then exposed: fingerprint 820/ / pressure touch wood with Sohu

2015-10-09 09:28:15来源: 搜狐

【IT168 资讯】根据此前的消息,锤子科技的第二款旗舰机型Smartisan T2将有可能成为首批采用骁龙820处理器的机型之一。然而,根据最新的消息,Smartisan T2不仅有可能不会搭载骁...

[IT168 information] according to the previous message, hammer technology in the second paragraph of flagship model smartisan T2 will have may become the first use of 820 snapdragon processor, one of the models. However, according to the latest news, Smartisan T2 not only may not be equipped with xiao...