新关注 > 信息聚合 > MFi 助听器已足够优质 苹果申请获FCC认可

MFi 助听器已足够优质 苹果申请获FCC认可

MFi hearing enough quality apple is eligible to apply for FCC approval

2016-01-31 11:09:21来源: 中金在线

苹果在申请文件中阐述道,拥有 MFi 认证的助听器产品符合并已通过相关兼容性验证标准,能够成为传统助听器的替代品,这一点应该获得 FCC 认可,从而让 MFi 助听器可以在更广泛的渠道上成为消费者的...

Apple set forth in the application file path with MFi certification hearing aid products comply and have been verified by the relevant compatibility standards can become a substitute for a traditional hearing aid, it should get FCC approval, so that the hearing aid can MFi broader channels become consumers ...