新关注 > 信息聚合 > 醉美冬天 河北美景随手拍活动启动啦!

醉美冬天 河北美景随手拍活动启动啦!

The beauty of the beauty of the beautiful winter in Hebei to shoot the activity started!

2015-12-02 22:57:43来源: 长城网

资料图。 长城网12月2日讯(芦丹)各位小伙伴们期盼已久的“网友随手拍”活动来啦!本次的活动主题是“醉美冬天在河北”,看到主题你是否已经跃跃欲试了呢要知道我们大河北的冬天还是有很多美景哒,金山岭...

information network. The Great Wall news network December 2nd (Lu Dan) little friends the long-awaited "friends taking photos at hand."! The theme is "drunk beautiful winter in Hebei, see the topic you are itching to do you know us Hebei winter there are still a lot of beauty Da, Jinshanling Great Wall...