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First the Super Cup in Germany: Lo Bender Blau Hei headed for 8 months

2015-08-02 02:20:09来源: 华体网

北京时间8月2日凌晨02:30,拜仁将与沃尔夫斯堡进行德国超级杯的比赛,目前双方已经公布了首发阵容。拜仁方面罗本复出,新援比达尔出现在替补席。狼堡首发由德布劳内和古斯塔沃领衔。 拜仁首发阵容: 诺伊尔/拉姆,贝纳蒂亚,博阿滕,阿拉巴/蒂亚戈,阿隆索/科斯塔,穆勒,罗本/莱万多夫斯基 ...

Beijing Time 2 days of before dawn 02:30, Bayern will and Wolfsburg were Germany, Super Cup match, the two sides have announced the lineup. Bayern Robben back, Vidal appeared on the bench in the new aid. Wolf fort de Blau Hei, led by Gustavo and. Bayern starting lineup: Neuer / Rahm, Benatia, Boateng, Alabbar / Tiago, Alonso / Costa, Muller, Robben, Lewandowski /...