新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范冰冰生日会李晨献吻 明星情侣各种肉麻秀恩爱

范冰冰生日会李晨献吻 明星情侣各种肉麻秀恩爱

Fan Bingbing birthday Fan Bingbing 34th birthday on 16 Hebei news network

2015-09-17 19:10:38来源: 河北新闻网

9月16日是范冰冰34岁生日,男友李晨也是第一时间公开在网上送上祝福,二人花样秀恩爱。随后,有网友在微博上曝光了一组李晨为范冰冰庆生的现场图,李晨不但主动献吻范爷,如此花样秀恩爱,羡煞旁人。 照...

, boyfriend Li Chen is also the first time in the online public to send blessings, two people figure show affection. Subsequently, the users in micro Bo exposure of a group of Chen Fan Bingbing birthday of the scene graph, Li Chen not only active Xianwen Fan Ye, so figure show of affection, others envy. According to...