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NBL河南男篮无缘总决赛 第三节结束已失去悬念

Without edge finals for the third quarter end has lost suspense

2015-09-17 10:06:41来源: 中国新闻网

本报讯 昨晚,本赛季全国男子篮球联赛(NBL)半决赛展开了第二回合的较量。做客陕西渭南的河南赊店老酒男篮经过四节战斗,最终以97∶120再次负于实力强劲的陕西信达男篮,总比分0∶2被对手淘汰出局无缘总决赛。另外一场比赛,坐镇合肥主场的安徽文一男篮以97∶78战胜了贵州森航男篮,与陕西男篮...

Washington last night Henan NBL basketball, the semi final of the season, the National Basketball League (NBL) launched a second round of the contest. Shaanxi Weinan guest Henan Shedian wine men's basketball team after a four day battle, eventually to 97: 120 lost again strong Shaanxi Xinda men's basketball team, with a total score of 0: 2 is opponents out of the missed the finals. Another game in Hefei, the home court man Anhui 97 to 78 victory over the Guizhou basketball hang Sen, with the Shaanxi men's basketball team...