新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家:别过于紧张?甲状腺癌是“惰性癌症”


Expert: don't be too nervous? Thyroid cancer is "indolent cancers"

2015-06-18 16:13:02来源: 大河网

人民网北京6月18日电 (李轶群)“现在大家都比较重视体检,所以甲状腺结节检出率比较高,但绝大部分都是良性的,不超过10%的恶性率。甲状腺癌恶性度不高,发展会比较慢,是一个惰性癌症,有许多人终身都不...

people's network in Beijing, June 18 (Li Yi Qun) "and now we are more emphasis on physical examination, so the detection rate of thyroid nodules is relatively high, but most are benign, does not exceed 10% of the rate of malignancy. Thyroid cancer is not high, the development is slow, is an inert cancer, many people are not...