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妇儿医院妇保科明天有义诊 免挂号费咨询费等

Maternal and children's Hospital Department of gynecology tomorrow free clinic registration fee advisory fees and

2015-12-24 08:13:02来源: 半岛网

半岛都市报12月23日讯(记者 徐军) 记者23日获悉,市妇女儿童医院妇保科将于12月25日举行义诊活动。参与义诊女性需要先到自助挂号机挂妇保科零元号后,再到诊室就诊。另外,孕前检查要空腹8~12小...

Peninsula Metropolis Daily, December 23 hearing (reporter Xu Jun) reporter 23 learned that women and children's Hospital Department of gynecology will be on December 25 held clinic activities. Women need to participate in the clinic, women's self-help registration machine hanging zero element number, and then to the consulting room in our hospital. In addition, pre pregnancy check to fasting 8~12...