新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首钢主场大比分击败同曦 12名球员出场全部得分

首钢主场大比分击败同曦 12名球员出场全部得分

Shougang home big score defeat Tongxi 12 players played all scores

2015-12-24 08:30:34来源: 中国新闻网

一场在赛前就认为胜负悬念不大的对决,最后“如期”变为了年轻队员的热身比赛。北京首钢队昨日在主场以105比77大比分击败江苏同曦队,由于比赛早早就变为“垃圾时间”,因而北京队在后两节给了替补球员与平时上不了场的球员大量的出场机会,最后北京队12人出场全部有得分。 外界原本认为江苏同曦队...

a before the game that little suspense the outcome of the battle, finally "on schedule" variable to young players in the warm-up match. Beijing Shougang team yesterday at home in the ratio of 105 to 77 score beat Jiangsu Tongxi team, due to early in the game becomes a "waste of time" and the Beijing team after two give the players on the bench and usually the player can't plenty of opportunity to play. Finally, the Beijing team of 12 people appearance all points. The outside world thought Jiangsu Tongxi team...