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三星在中国首发入门新机Galaxy J3⑥

Samsung in today China started getting a new machine Galaxy J3 and

2015-11-20 23:51:27来源: 天极网

今天,三星在中国首发了入门型新机“Galaxy J3⑥”,介绍中提到这是款“千元机”,至于圈六代表何种意思暂时不详。 J3的规格和J5几乎如出一辙:5寸720p Super AMOLED屏幕(视...

, Samsung in China starting the new entry-level machine "Galaxy J3 6", the introduction mentioned this is "thousand machines". As for the six circles represents what meaning being unknown. The specification of J3 and J5 almost run in the same groove: 5 inch 720p Super AMOLED screen (as...

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