新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015揭阳农村商业银行笔试成绩通知_查询入口


The 2015 Jieyang rural commercial bank written examination achievement notification _ query entrance

2015-01-18 17:09:26来源: 中公教育

现将揭阳农村商业银行校园招聘2015年员工招聘笔试成绩予以公布,考生凭本人姓名及身份证号码登录本行网站查询,面试时间为2015年1月20日。 广东人事考试网温馨提示:入围面试考生自行打印《面试须知...

now Jieyang rural commercial bank 2015 campus recruitment recruitment written test results to be announced, candidates with my name and identity card number login the bank website, interview time for January 20, 2015. Guangdong personnel test network reminder: Interview short listed candidates to print "the interview notice...