新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号源力·劫解析


The Saier number source, rob analysis

2016-04-25 13:49:36来源: 4399

合金幻影!爆炸输出!源力·劫将用鬼法秘镰和畏袭祭镰让敌人知道忍法的畏忌!镜花水月影踪寂,雪下红梅满枝头。源力·劫暗杀来袭! ================【精灵介绍】================ 精灵ID:3100 精灵名称:源力·劫 精灵简介:拥有一对无比锋利的机械镰刀,...

Alloy phantom! Explosive output! The source, rob will use ghost secret fear attack offering sickle sickle and let the enemy know could by fear! The snow was still a mirage and insubstantial objects, Hongmei full branch. Source of force and assassination struck! ================ [spirit] ================ elves ID:3100 wizard Name: source, robbing the elves introduction: have a pair of sharp incomparable mechanical sickle,...